Adult Christian Education Board Mindy Bilhorn, CE Director
*Plan and organize Adult Sunday School Programming (order/update curriculum; organize volunteer staff)
*Plan and organize Adult Small Group Programming (order/update curriculum; organize volunteer staff)
*Organize outreach opportunities through Christian Education
Awana Annette Mathews, Awana Ministry Director
Board of Celebrations Josh Roller, Chair
Caring Committee Madeline Gillham, Chair
The Caring Committee works in coordination with the pastors to meet special needs primarily in the church family but also in the community as we are able.
*Arrange for and serve at funeral luncheons.
*Provide financial aid as we become aware of need in coordination with the pastors.
*Ensure the delivery of designated funds when the giver wishes to remain anonymous.
*Arrange for meals or special assistance for individuals in need.
*Purchase, assemble and deliver gift baskets, flowers and casseroles at Christmas and in the spring. These baskets go to church family who are shut-ins, injured, ill, recently lost a spouse and pastors.
Children’s Christian Education Board Mindy Bilhorn, CE Director
*Plan and organize Children’s Sunday School Programming (order/update curriculum; organize volunteer staff)
*Plan and organize Vacation Bible School (order/update programming; organize volunteer staff)
*Plan and organize Christmas Programming (order/update programming; organize volunteer staff)
Donation and Design Becky Fjelstad, Chair
*Meet with any committee as needed & the Trustees at least once a year.
*Answer questions from committees, especially when they are looking to add decorations or communication displays anywhere in the facility – with the exception of the sanctuary.
*Evaluate potential donations with the coordination of the Trustees. Have the authority to divert donations which are not currently needed.
*Communicate with the donor whether or not the donation will be accepted.
*Continue to evaluate the updating of the spaces as needed. Communicate these needs to Trustees.
*Continue to evaluate the use of large group spaces and provide input regarding storage or furnishings needed.
*Assist with purchasing of new items as needed that will coordinate with the existing design plan.
Maintain information regarding location of purchases, paint colors, etc., to facilitate replacement or refurbishment.
Missions & Memorials Morgen Teal, Chair
*We promote learning experiences to help our congregation see the needs of the world near and far and find their areas of service.
*We send out and support church members that have felt called to full time service.
*We hear recommendations of church members who are impressed with a ministry, and if in agreement, prayerfully choose how Fulton Church can partner with those ministries.
*We provide Missionaries with opportunity to have an active presence within our Congregation.
*We distribute monthly support to chosen Missions from Fulton Church General Funds.
*When a church member or friend designates funds to a vetted ministry we send 100% of the funds to that mission organization.
Praise &Worship Brandon Teal, Chair
Praise & Worship Committee’s primary goal is to invite Fulton Church attenders into a time of worship by providing:
*musical worship during Sunday morning services and
*sound and video support for Sunday morning services and, when requested, special events such as weddings, funerals, etc.
Our team of adult and teenage volunteers are engaged in these aspects of the service:
*vocal and instrumental music
*management of sound board
*use of ProPresenter
We appreciate new volunteers and are committed to mentoring those who would like to serve!
Social Media Pastor Zack Casper, Chair
Technology Matthew Holly, Chair
New committee members are elected at the annual meeting each January. However, anyone interested can attend committee meetings, except for the Caring Committee since some of their business involves maintaining the confidentiality of the people they lovingly serve. Committees generally meet monthly; most meeting dates can be found on the calendar. Please contact a committee member if you would like to help.
Here is a PDF downloadable spreadsheet of the Fulton Church Elected Board and Committee Members serving from January 2019 – January 2020: Elected Boards and Committees Jan 2019-Jan 2020.